The nutcracker suite is not just a seasonal treat around Bon
Bon Pond, thanks to a tiny tuxedoed-acrobat named “Picoides pubescens.” Commonly called the Downy Woodpecker, this
outgoing year-round resident delights
with a “bird ballet” each and every day. I never get tired of observing his undulating
avian arabesques and pirouettes as he flits from oak to asp and poplar to pine.
Perhaps no other in the ornithological class has benefited more
from intense birding efforts around Bon Bon Pond than the Downy. The past three years have seen the species
explode in population. These people-friendly
fliers dominate the suet feeders and have a hankering for peanuts and sunflower
The smallest and most abundant species of the Woodpecker family,
these white and black beauties are just a little over six inches with a small
bill. Males are distinguished via a red
nape patch. Downy pairs produce one brood each year. White it’s said the clutch size is between
three to eight white eggs, I’ve never seen more than five hatchlings. They nest
and also roost in dead trees where they excavate cavities.
Darling Downys consume large numbers of harmful insects such as beetles, ants,
and weevils. It upsets me that these beneficial birds often get such a bum rap—mostly
from property owners who are outraged over damage to homes, barns and other
buildings. A Google search will turn up
three basic reasons for Downy drilling:
(1) insect infestation; (2) marking territory during breeding season; or
(3) searching for a mate. Around Bon Bon
Pond most of the drilling occurs in the fall and winter which pretty much
eliminates possibilities two and three. I remain convinced that the much-maligned
Downy is in search of insects and as such is actually an invaluable aid to homeowners,
alerting us when rotting boards needs to be replaced.
Downys and their other
woodpecker cousins can also help us identify trees that are in danger. If you notice intense woodpecker attention--especially
to elms, apples or ashes--it’s a good idea to have the tree examined by an accredited
However you interpret their activities, please
remember all woodpeckers are classified as
migratory, nongame birds and are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty

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